
The NoVA Hacker Dojo / Maker Meetup Space

huh? Let's recreate the magic of the DefCon conference, but more than once a year, and without all the expense of a trip to Vegas.

Currently we're meeting in a private home in Reston. Maybe we'll outgrow that someday, but hey- ya gotta start somewhere. PS- there will be snacks!

We get together regularly to exchange ideas & inspiration, help each other out, and show off what we've been up to.

who? All are welcome, but this is primarily a group for NoVA's LBGTQ++ community.

Anyone who turns out not to be cool with that will be invited to leave, and won't be invited back.

what? k3n (Ken, the current host) has a decently stocked maker-space.

There's a micro-electronics lab (good selection of Adafruit breakout boards), several 3d printers, laser cutter, woodworking tools, art supplies (paint, a+b & uv art resin, lots of glitter, etc), and a computer with an RTX-4090 (capable of local AI)...

There's no cost to attend gatherings- but if you end up consuming any supplies or equipment, you're asked to chip-in replacement cost.

btw, if you find yourself working on a project that requires stuff at Ken's place, feel free to inquire about stopping by at times other than the official gatherings.

We generally mean "hacking" in the sense of a healthy curiosity about how technology works, including an occasionally mischievous desire to explore how to make it operate in ways other than originally intended.

However, the group does not condone destructive or illegal activity- including computer / electronic trespass.

Please do not do anything that might get the police kicking down Ken's door, or his ISP cutting off Internet service!

how? To get the meet-up address and calendar, please fill in the
, or email Ken with a sentence or two about yourself by way of introduction to the rest of the group.
credo We are dreamers, shapers, singers, and makers. We study the mysteries of laser and circuit, crystal and scanner, holographic demons and invocation of equations.
These are the tools we employ, and we know many things.

- Eric, "The Geometry of Shadows"

To contact Ken concerning any of this, please use: k@k3n.cc.